Healthians Frontline Workers and Staff in Delhi NCR Get Vaccinated for COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has unleashed a global health and humanitarian crisis like no other claiming lakhs of lives in India. It has pushed healthcare providers to the wall, adversely affecting their operations and service delivery. Since healthcare personnel like phlebotomists/sample collection professionals are at the frontline coming in contact with people who may be potential carriers of the virus, Healthians took part in the Governments initiative to get frontline healthcare workers vaccinated for COVID-19 by motivating the entire staff to take the critical step in fighting the disease and protecting others by building widespread immunity. Also, as there were many rumours and apprehensions about taking the vaccine, Healthians senior management showed the way by taking the vaccine first.

Members of Healthians staff after getting vaccinated for COVID-19

The entire world had been waiting desperately for the vaccine. As soon as it was released in India, it was imperative that all frontline healthcare workers at were administered the COVID-19 vaccine. Given the evidence of the ongoing COVID-19 infections among healthcare personnel and the critical role they play in caring for others, continued protection of them at work, at home, and in the community remains a national priority.

Mr. Deepak Sahni, Founder and CEO – Healthians, says, “Early vaccination of our staff was extremely critical for not only ensuring the health and safety of our essential workforce of phlebotomists, but also protecting their patients, families, communities, and the broader health of everyone who comes in contact with them directly or indirectly. We are grateful to the government and local administration for providing the vaccination free of cost for all public as well as private healthcare workers.”

Healthians is amongst Indias leading diagnostic service providers and has many phlebotomists (sample collection professionals) with operations across 70+ cities in India. The vaccination is being carried out in a phased manner that was recently kicked off in the North Indian cities. Eventually, the company will vaccinate each and every one of its 850+ employees, making it one of Indias most extensive corporate vaccination drives so far.

The vaccine administered to the Healthians staff in Delhi NCR is COVISHIELD; the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured locally by the Serum Institute of India. The vaccine is being administered in two doses given between four weeks apart.

Though there were no serious or adverse side effects reported in anyone who took the vaccine shot, some people experienced mild side effects like fever, fatigue, headache, sore arm and muscle pain which got resolved between 1 or 2 days. This is any way confirmed to be normal by health experts. Even after the vaccination having been administered to the staff at Healthians, the company has made it very clear that they will continue to follow procedures for reducing the risk of spread, such as proper hand-washing, following operational protocols for COVID safety, proper sanitizing and practising social distancing.