~ Loop Health is changing the way group healthcare is perceived and measured in India by focusing on prevention as a critical lever for reimagining healthcare delivery ~
~ 73% of India Inc’s employees say they do not have a trusted doctor that compromises their primary care experience ~
COVID-19 has shone a spotlight on the limitations of healthcare services. The lack of simple, accessible and equitable healthcare affects the overall well being of individuals and their quality of experience with healthcare services. This is the finding of health insurance broker Loop Health’s survey with India Inc’s employees.
A survey conducted among 2500 users of Loop Health’s platform, reveals that 73 percent of India Inc’s employees do not have a primary care provider that they trust, or can access when they are sick. This compromises their primary health care experience and consequently their wellness. 35 percent of all employees surveyed report that they have low trust in their local GP, citing poor experiences and non-allopathic medical advice. Nearly 40 percent of employees report doing at least two doctor consultations per year, but say that they don’t have a strong relationship with any one healthcare provider.
Consulting doctors at the right time leads to early disease detection, faster recovery, and better health. By focusing on preventive care and offering an in-house team of medical specialists available on call 24X7, Loop Health is looking to change how healthcare is delivered and accessed by India Inc. It is looking to change the very statistics its survey reveals. Strong relationships with healthcare providers do not exist because of the poor quality of primary care. By focusing on the quality of and access to preventative care as a critical lever for reimagining group healthcare, it intends to eventually change the way patients see and experience primary care.
Loop Health, founded in 2018 by Mayank Kale and Ryan Singh, addresses issues related to employee health benefits such as low-quality primary care and misaligned incentives leading to unnecessary hospitalizations and claims. Since then, Loop Health has on-boarded more than 50,000 members across 100+ companies on their healthcare platform.
Amrit Singh, CRO of Loop Health says, “With a constant medical advisor available 24*7 on our app, we want to build a relationship with the patient just like a trusted family doctor. Always on and there to support, we’ll empower more people to live better and healthier lives. Our focus is on health data, and the usefulness of that data for doctors and the medical team, without compromising on privacy, fairness and transparency. ”
About Loop Health
Founded in 2018, Loop Health is the first health insurance provider with an in-house medical team that helps employers care for their employees. Health benefits should be simple, useful, and holistic. Loop is on a mission to bring quality and value back together in healthcare.
Loop Health is backed by investors such as Sierra Ventures, Y Combinator and Soma Capital.
To know more about the latest updates on Loop Health, please visit www.loophealth.com. Follow us on: linkedin.com/company/loop-health.