Electrotherm Solar Develops Portable Ventilators for Supporting Increased Demand during COVID

Electrotherm Solar Develops Portable Ventilators for Supporting Increased Demand during COVID

Despite sliding COVID cases, ventilator production continues in full swing. The second wave of Coronavirus, which has caused a morbid stir of lung disorders and deteriorating health conditions even in younger patients, is the key reason for the ever-growing demand for ventilators. Due to the triggered need for ventilator care, NASAs Jet propulsion laboratory designed an emergency ventilator. It was made available for the global COVID pandemic through selective vendors specifically evaluated to manufacture them.

Electra Ventilator

Electrotherm Solar Ltd., an Ahmedabad-based company, is one of the coveted vendors in the world to be licensed by NASA. medeng.jpl.nasa.gov/covid-19/ventilator/registration. After a stringent evaluation by NASA, this company is one of the chosen 27 companies worldwide licensed to manufacture new-age Emergency ventilators. They have successfully exported orders to other countries, but as a responsible Make in India venture, they now choose to dedicate Electra ventilators solely for the Indian market.

The Electra Ventilators unique design can cater aggressive ventilatory support in clinical situations for intensely ill patients. It includes extensive ventilator modes like VC-ACMV (Volume Control-Assist control Mandatory Ventilation), BiPAP and High flow oxygen therapy. The ventilator also bears unique features like Real-time Tablet-based data log, Tablet-based trending data storage along with a Customized Health care application. The ventilator can serve the targeted subset of patients suffering from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) due to COVID-19; Only 10-15% of the patients suffering from ARDS require ICU Ventilator.

The current pressures of treating multiple patients for an individual doctor can be exhausting. The pandemic situation inspired Kapil Shah, Director – Electra Ventilators, to engineer remote access and data portability. So that the patient report can be accessed anywhere, anytime, as every minute counts under observation. This app feeds in all the ventilator parameters directly into the live server to monitor anywhere across the world.

The enhanced ventilator system has multiple benefits due to its ergonomic design. It is highly coherent in operation, and is multifunctional. The lightweight model makes it very portable in nature for emergency use by simply plug-n-play. Thus, the ventilator is extremely cost-effective for adaptive use in current situations.

This highly portable ventilator model is best suited for ambulances or any other hospital or home emergencies. Thus, 90-95% of patients above 18 yrs of age can be treated through an Electra ventilator. It is the new-age solution for the healthcare segment that is simplified & reliable. And it aims to serve the healthcare ecosystem of India consistently.

Electrotherm Solar began their production with 42 ventilators and generated multiple orders from established hospitals. Currently, 200 units of ventilators would be out in the market for sale by end of this month.