Sanskriti University Organized a webinar on Maxillofacial Prospective of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus)

Sanskriti University Organized a webinar on Maxillofacial Prospective of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus)

Sanskriti University‘s School of Medical & Allied Science conducted a webinar on Maxillofacial Prospective of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) awareness amongst students and faculty members of Sanskriti University. Black fungus is beginning to grow into an epidemic amid the already persistent COVID-19 pandemic. The resource person for the webinar was Dr. Mohit Aggarwal, BDS (King George University) Lucknow.

The infection emerged during the second wave of Corona Virus and its symptoms and ways to prevent were discussed. Dr Mohit started the session with popular manifestations of COVID -19 which included Bone necrosis, Maxillary bone Involvement and Mucormycosis. During the session, he acquainted the students with the theories of developing mucor, its symptoms, types, diagnosis and also preventive measures of the disease.

Dr Mohit Said that is the need of the hour to understand the type of Mucormycosis because it is not a common disease. It is one of the rare diseases. Rhinocerebral (sinus and brain) mucormycosis has seen highest occurrence in people with uncontrolled diabetes and in people who have had a kidney transplant.Pulmonary (lung) mucormycosis, Gastrointestinal mucormycosis, Cutaneous (skin) mucormycosis occurs after the fungi enter the body through a break in the skin (like after surgery, a burn, or other type of skin trauma). Disseminated mucormycosisoccurs when the infection spreads through the bloodstream to affect another part of the body.

He recommended everyone to use fresh masks, big screens, eat right, adopt correct sitting posture and urged to maintain good oral hygiene and last but not the least to “LIVE STRESS FREE”. He also clarified the student’s doubts regarding ‘Ocular Health’.